I. COURSE NUMBER AND TITLE: Math 110 Math Problem Solving
II. ACADEMIC CREDIT: Four Semester hours.
III. CATALOG DESCRIPTION: A liberal arts maths course designed specifically on the improvement of skills and mathematical reasoning in different areas Topics discussed will include mathematical modeling, probability, statistics, logic, exponential growth, matrices, and chaos.
IV. PLACE OF THE COURSE IN THE CURRICULUM: This course can be used to meet the mathematics requirement for a psychology major, is required for all education majors, and can be used to meet the general education requirements for mathematics.
V. COURSE OBJECTIVES: This liberal arts course is designed specifically to focus on the improvement of problem solving sills and mathematical reasoning in the areas of
A. Geometry, measurement, and estimation.
B. Optimization through linear systems, matrices, and networks.
C. Number theory, including sets, and logic.
D. Probability and statistics.
with the focus on developing
A. Mathematical thinking skills.
B. Ability to select and use problem solving strategies.
C. Positive attitudes about problem solving.
D. Ability to integrate related mathematical knowledge.
E. Ability to monitor and evaluate logical thinking.
G. Ability to find solutions to a variety of mathematical problems.
VI. COURSEWORK: Your grade will be based on three types of assessments:
A. EXAMS: There will be total of four exams and a comprehensive final. For all exams, attendance is required. You must contact me before 10 am on the day of the exam, if you have a legitimate conflict, and schedule a time within the next 48 hours to take the exam. After the exams are returned to class, no make-up exams will be given. Only calculators will be allowed during these exams. The exams will c0mprise 70% of your grade.
B. PARTICIPATION: This will be measured randomly by short responses to a class question. If you are absent, you forfeit this opportunity to respond. This will comprise 10% of your grade.
C. ASSIGNMENTS: These will be given on a class by class basis and re due on the following Monday. Late homework, will not be accepted. If you will miss on a day when homework is due, turn it in early to me or send it by a classmate Keep problems in order and neat. It is helpful to staple them together. This area will comprise 20% of your grade.
VII. MATERIALS: The following are required. Bring them to class each day.
A. 3x5 index cards.
B. Scientific calculator.
C. Three ring binder.
VIII. GRADING will be on the usual percent scale with 90% and above in the A range, 80% and above in the B range, 70% and above in the C range, 60% and above in the D range, and failing below 60%.
IX. ATTENDANCE POLICY: You are expected to be in class. Absences make it very difficult to do well in class and affect your participation grade. Notify me prior to class if you must be absent.
X. TEXT: A Survey of Mathematics with Applications Expanded Edition 7th Edition by Angel, Abbott, and Runde.
Larry Matthews , instructor