ACADEMIC CREDIT: Three semester hours.
DESCRIPTION: This course examines both discrete and continuous random variables including
sampling theory, point estimation, game and decision theory, hypothesis testing, experimental design,
methods of correlation and regression, ANOVA, and non-parametric tests.
PLACE OF THE COURSE IN THE CURRICULUM: This course is a continuation of the year long
study of probability and statistics, and presumes that the student has taken the first semester courses,
Math 321 and Math 243, or their equivalents. It is used to meet the requirements of a major in
A. Probability distributions of random variables.
B. The central limit theorem
C. Normal approximation to the binomial distribution
D. Confidence intervals
E. Methods of point estimation
F. Hypothesis testing
G. Correlation
H. Linear regression
I. Experimental design
K. Goodness of fit
L. Non-parametric statistics
LEARNING RESOURCES: You will need the text "Mathematical Statistics with Applications 7th
edition" by Wackerly, Mendenhall, and Scheaffer. A statistical calculator is also very useful.
EVALUATION: Learning will be measure using homework assignments, real life statistical studies,
and exams. Homework assignments will be due on Wednesday for those assignments given during the
previous week. I will pick up and grade your problems, but not necessarily every one. Show and
organize your work. All exams will be achievement exams and will be written as such. There will
be three exams including the final. These exams will count for 60% of your grade. Homework will
count for 20% and hypotheses tests will count for the other 20%.
GRADING: Grading will be on a percent scale.
93-100 A
90-92.9 A-
87-89.9 B+
83-86.9 B
80-82.9 B-
77-79.9 C+
73-76.9 C
70-72.9 C-
67-69.9 D+
63-66.9 D
60-62.9 D-
Below 60 F
ATTENDANCE POLICY: You are expected to be in class. Absences make it very difficult to do
well in class. If you have over three unexcused absences, you will be dropped in class. Notify me
prior to the class if you must be absent.
Instructor: Larry Matthews Office: Meyer Hall 314
Email: Phone: 344-7587