CM465 Video Editing

Instructor:      Kurt Paulsen    Office CC 144   507-344-7732

Texts:          In the Blink of an Eye.  Walter Murch Silman-James Press; 2 Revised edition. 978-1879505629

Overview:       In CM465, students will look intently within the art and craft that makes up good film editing. Editing philosophy will be mixed with technique to create a “best-practices” approach to editing moving images.

Materials:    Be prepared to purchase DVD-Rs from time to time to back up your material. It is strongly suggested that you purchase your own Firewire drive. This external drive will allow you to back up your work, work on your own personal projects, and retain your material beyond the duration of the class. If you would like assistance in finding a drive, please talk to me.

Goals of the course:
Through this course you should become better able to…
•    Develop your creative thinking process
•    Understand the roles of this collaborative art form
•    Inspire a critical approach to decision making
•    Initiate conversation between you and your work, you and your peers, and you and your clients
•    Provide instruction in the tools of the editor
•    Imagine a “visual Word,” bringing the Gospel to today’s eye-oriented generation
•    Connect your personal goals to the mission of Bethany Lutheran College
Here are the Communication program competencies most directly addressed in this class:
1...understands the challenges involving information and communication in the 21st century knowledgeable regarding operating procedures of the various communication media aware of the history, economics, and social significance of the various communication media familiar with technology thoughtful and critical ethical
10...can deal with complexities a problem-solver
12...can collaborate

Course procedures
Class time will be divided between viewings, discussion, and production technique instruction. Readings will be assigned to support the viewings and technique processes.

Basis for Grades:
•    Papers  (30%)
•    Projects, demonstrations, productions, and reports (70%)
Attendance and participation are grading factors

Assignment Overview:
•    FCP Interface training – Quiz on tools
•    Countdown project
•    Commercial Project
•    Weekend short (Feb 6-8)
•    Midterm Project – Anime Music Video Competition
•    8mm film project
•    Final project (A culminating major work)
•    Editor Research Paper

****    Extra Credit – Edit a one minute video using the LINEAR editing system.

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