
CM 460: Motion Graphics and Post Production Finishing
Kurt Paulsen -- -- Office: CC144
Tuesday and Thursday 3:00 – 4:20 -- CC 105

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:
•    Think and plan creatively.
•    Identify appropriate times to use particular post-production techniques.
•    Demonstrate entry-level proficiency in post production skills including: motion graphics, compositing, and basic graphic design.
•    Understand the workflow and processes of professional post-production facilities.
•    Create a compelling Demo Reel.

To give every student a basic understanding of how to create digital graphics, manipulate them, animate them, incorporate them into your other projects, and sell them to somebody else. This class shall be first, and foremost an avenue for you to bring up your creative questions so that we can all find answers.
•    Basic graphic design with Adobe Photoshop
•    Designing vector art with Adobe Illustrator
•    Motion graphic principles and practicum with Adobe After Effects.
•    Designing productions from the point of view of the motion graphics artist.

You will be graded on your various projects throughout the semester. Some of the time I will simply be checking that you did the work. However, on some of the larger projects, I will be looking for creativity and time spent on polishing it. You shouldn’t have to worry about grades if you are putting hard work and thought into your projects. I value enthusiasm as highly as skill. This is a hands-on course with a mixture of lecture and lab. Your attendance and participation are key elements of the learning process. Absenteeism WILL be taken into consideration in your final grade.

You will be responsible for finding and bringing to class an example of post-production you find impressive, compelling, or insightful. These examples should be no longer than 5 minutes in running time.

There is no textbook for this class. However, there are numerous books on After Effects that are very helpful. If you have the time and money, I would recommend picking one up. You will be submitting your projects to me via DVD-R. It is your responsibility to provide the DVD-Rs for your projects.

    Quizes: 30pts
    Projects: 150pts
    Daily Work: 20pts
    Research Project: 50pts

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